Sunday 20 December 2015

Sunday 20th December; Manchester Climbing Centre

Every-one getting busy!
The last CMC Meet before Christmas, and eight of us turned out, keen to get some climbing done. Once again we settled for an indoor wall, though the morning was mild and pleasant and it was tempting to risk going outdoors.
Some of us hadn't been to Manchester Climbing Centre before, so the first task was to pass the entry-test. Fortunately we could all tie our knots correctly and spot the deliberate mistakes! 
Manchester Wall isn't as high as some, but there were enough routes to keep us busy for the day. Plenty to challenge us, but some soft-touch grading so we could go home pleased with our achievements!

The setting in an old church is obvious

Tony in Action

Ian and Peter  - Christmas Cheer!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Keswick Weekend 4th - 6th December

The CMC holds an annual Christmas Jamboree in Keswick: group accommodation and a communal Christmas meal of much higher standard and lower cost than your average restaurant Christmas dinner.

Some of the cooks in action

 This year we managed to pick the weekend when Keswick experienced its worst floods on record! With rain of biblical volume, most people went for walks of the gasp-in-awe variety.

Keswick (Fitz Park)

 However, a team of three went to the climbing wall in Penrith. Not being present, I didn't like to ask whether it was climbing obsession that sent them there, or a reluctance to get wet! However, they were clearly reluctant to risk missing dinner, and set off on the exciting journey back to Keswick mid-afternoon while the road was still passable.